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Showing posts from March, 2009

Variety and the spice of life

Am currently sat on a wall enjoying a cup of coffee, Costa decaf latte - coffee of choice!, pondering two things. 1/ If I use my phone to write my blog it will make each entry shorter - as my thumbs are short and fat making the keys more annoying to use over a long period of time .... and 2/ How varied my life is, and how much I enjoy that. Working full time as a Christian Missionary is a joy and a challenge - in varying amounts - but it is always a privilege. Being invovlved, by His choice not my ability, in something that is always changing and always growing, His kingdom - is just awesome. Especially when the Masterplan is always going to be fulfilled because it is determined by Him and not me! How liberating and encouraging. Anyway, thumbs are sore and coffee is gone - so on to the next thing ..... Father, what are you up to today? Can I be a part of it?? (Not my words - just a great quote, thanks Rubi.)