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Showing posts from September, 2010

The week ahead ...

"So, what do you do?" ... I consider this, then reply "I'm the UK Director of WEC International, a Christian missionary group." .... Pause .... "That's interesting..." They say ..... Then move on, find someone else!! So where's the touch point? What can they latch on to, get a handle on, know what to ask next? The issue of identity is an important one, if I said I was a Pastor or a Vicar then this gives someone in the UK a handle, albeit full of stereotypical thoughts, on what I do ... But missions Director? What's that all about? It's about encouraging, organising, equipping, strategising in order to see our final goal reached as quickly and as effectively as possible ... In WECs case that of sharing the good news of the gospel of Christ amongst those communities and people groups who are yet to hear it for the first time! Challenging of the week ... Due to population growth there are more unreached people today than ever before ...

Grace is amazing ... and so is the gift of repentance!

"Repentance is godly sorrow for our sins, because of the wrong done to God, and therefore the hurt inflicted on Him (Gen 6:6) ... if there is no conscious repentance, just an acceptance of grace then there is no awareness of what we have been saved from ... which leads to a corresponding lack of depth and commitment ..." I read this in a book whilst I was at Bible College some 16 years ago. It must have struck me quite powerfully at the time as I wrote it on the inside cover of the Bible I was reading. It resonated with an experience I had recently had of being led by the Spirit into a season of repentance the like of which I had not experienced before. This did indeed lead to a deepening of my faith and a greater commitment to Jesus and the growth of His Kingdom throughout the world ... avery rich time indeed, and foundational in all that has followed. Up to that point I had been 'saved' some four years, I had experienced the wonder of forgiveness, but had not really...