Where has the week gone? It is already Sunday afternoon and the week 5 is about to begin! So, once again time to take stock, reflect and see what the last week held. Bit of a busy week, so grabbing some time between helping the youngest with her homework ... The daily life of Celts! ... And preparing for tea! (anyone know where I can get my hands on a copy of Jamie Oliver's 30 minute meals? Even if they do take and hour and a half!) On a personal note, my wife had her operation on the shoulder, which I understand is an incredibly painful procedure ... The Doctor said it would be, and my wife confirms it!! This has meant that since Thursday I have also been chief cook, sandwich maker and everything else that we normally do together for the family. The kids have rallied round and filled in the inevitable gaps that I leave between what 'Mum' usually does, and what 'Dad' remembers to do! Also had a great time queuing for a KS2 Disco with my youngest daughter ... The fev...
A collection of thoughts as I wander through life as a Christian, Husband, Father of four and Missions Director. Try to limit posts to 500 words to make them as accessible as possible.