WEC's vision is to see 1200 new workers join us, to see Churches established amongst 33 of the least reached people groups, in 180 new locations around the world ... All over the next 8 years!!! - What kind of people do we need to join us in fulfilling this vision? CT Studd the founder of WEC wrote of the following qualities of people who should think of joining the work of WEC International some 75 years ago ... People gripped by a vision (Rev 5:9) - not people interested in a theory. People apprehended by Christ - not people employed by a mission. People hungry for a fight - not people gorged with educational schemes People who will obey to the uttermost - not people who wish to "do what they can"! This has not changed, and whilst it might sound fanatical, these words really only describe the level of passion and commitment that Jesus expects from all His disciples, whether or not they become missionaries ... The need for people like this is still real and the challenge...
A collection of thoughts as I wander through life as a Christian, Husband, Father of four and Missions Director. Try to limit posts to 500 words to make them as accessible as possible.