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Showing posts from March, 2012

The discipline of blogging!

By which I mean 'spiritual discipline' - those practices and habits in life that the Spirit uses to refresh our communion with God! Now doubt people have many reasons for blogging ... communication, promotion, nothing else to do, self-aggrandisement - the list could go on. Probably, in some way, all of these are relevant some of the time. One of the benefits of blogging for me is that it causes me to 'reflect' ... for instance, you may have realised that I have not written anything on my blog since the 13th of March ... so, has my life been vacuous since then, with nothing to report back? No, and Yes - some things I do are not to be publicly declared on a blog site - they are to be hidden away before God in the quiet place! And this is the discipline that the blog page can encourage - sit, think, ponder what has happened, reflect on it before the Lord. What have I learnt? What glaring lesson has passed me by, which reflection brings to mind afresh? What was good? What w...

What is poverty?

I have been very exercised recently for a number of reasons; 1/ Extended conversations with my teenage children about Sex trafficking (Initiated by the recent LZ7 track!) 2/ The dialogue online concerning the relative merits of Kony2012 campaign. 3/ Spending a morning praying for Street Children in Senegal (Talibes) and Prostitutes in Cambodia. 4/ Recently listening to a Dr M Loyd-Jones podcast - in which he refers to the state of 'apostasy' that the Church had got itself into at the end of the 19th, beginning of the 20th Century, as it cared so much for social, justice and poverty issues that it ceased to preach the gospel. (His words of course!) Now, where do my kids find their place in the midst of all of this? Our discussion centred around how meaningful is it to download a track and feel justified that you are doing something about sex trafficking? Is that simply consumer activism ... would we be so concerned to spend our 69p if we weren't getting a download out ...