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Showing posts from October, 2013

Pillars, Pilgrimage and Prayer!

The following is an extract from an email that WEC sends out each week to facilitate prayer for the nations. If you would like to receive these directly you can subscribe here and receive them by email every Sunday morning! "When man works, man works. But when man prays, God works!" Patrick Johnstone, Operation World. The emails are intended to provide us with key information that will enable the growth of an informed, sustained and persistent wave of prayer. Please join with us! Praying for the muslim world. In Islam there are five pillars: Declaration of faith Prayer Giving to the poor Fasting Pilgrimage or Hajj Hajj should be performed at least once in a Muslim’s lifetime, provided they are physically and financially able to do so. In 2012, about 3.5 million Muslims gathered in Saudi Arabia to perform Hajj. Of a number of rites that pilgrims perform, one is celebrating the festival of Eid al-Adha with the sacrifice of an animal. “Whoever performs ...

Up Pompeii!!

  I enjoyed a very refreshing two weeks holiday during August in Italy just outside of Rome. One day trip which was particularly sobering was to Pompeii - a bit of a trek to get to from where we were, however it was well worth the effort! Of course, as a site it is very spectacular and I would recommend it to anyone - it is not a “UNESCO world heritage” site for nothing! Whilst you can only see approximately 30% of all that has been excavated over the years, what remains open for the public to walk around still overwhelms the visitor. Walking through the streets, visiting the amphitheatre, temple and houses it was easy to imagine the way of life. As I was walking around it, marvelling at the architecture, art and layout of the place there were a few thoughts that came to me ... Which, whilst true for all, seem somehow crystallised in the lives and story of residents of Pompeii, which might help to focus our thoughts aright. Firstly, the transience of life. Nothing in this ...