Luke gives us some answers to the bigger questions in life - like 'why are we here?' and 'why are we saved?'. There might be many answers to this question, but viewing it from man's perspective Luke wrote: '... that we, being delivered from the hand of our enemies, might serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before him all our days' (1:74)
The reality of finding complete fulfilment in being a servant is in stark contrast to the idea of seeing how we can fit Jesus into an otherwise unchanged life. In the former He is enthroned as Lord, in the latter I remain enthroned as Lord of 'My life'.
Where does His will fit in our list of priorities?
Are we sure that what we are doing today is what the Lord has asked us to do? Have we ever asked?
Jesus food was to do the will of His Father, so too it is our food ... In other words we will be malnourished if we simply go on our own way, giving no heed to His leading, or never even stopping to ask in the first place!
We have not simply been 'set free' ... But 'set free to serve' - the expression of the claims of Christ over all we are, have and do.
When we consider the challenge of proclaiming the gospel to the remaining unreached people's of the world it raises the question 'who will go?' ... Only those who recognise that He is Lord of all and that they are servants, for Christ's sake. Only those who ask 'Lord, what do you want me to do?'
He will then send some, others will hear the affirmation to stay where they are - either way they will know they are 'about their Father's business'.
Being set free to serve ... What a blessing!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
The reality of finding complete fulfilment in being a servant is in stark contrast to the idea of seeing how we can fit Jesus into an otherwise unchanged life. In the former He is enthroned as Lord, in the latter I remain enthroned as Lord of 'My life'.
Where does His will fit in our list of priorities?
Are we sure that what we are doing today is what the Lord has asked us to do? Have we ever asked?
Jesus food was to do the will of His Father, so too it is our food ... In other words we will be malnourished if we simply go on our own way, giving no heed to His leading, or never even stopping to ask in the first place!
We have not simply been 'set free' ... But 'set free to serve' - the expression of the claims of Christ over all we are, have and do.
When we consider the challenge of proclaiming the gospel to the remaining unreached people's of the world it raises the question 'who will go?' ... Only those who recognise that He is Lord of all and that they are servants, for Christ's sake. Only those who ask 'Lord, what do you want me to do?'
He will then send some, others will hear the affirmation to stay where they are - either way they will know they are 'about their Father's business'.
Being set free to serve ... What a blessing!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
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