The turmoil that is going on across the Middle East and North Africa, has dominated my thoughts and prayers this week, and has had an effect on the working week ...
One knock-on effect of the crisis in Libya, is the almost 100,000 displaced people, forced out of their adopted countries due to the fighting. We spent time as a family praying for this situation and everyone around the table was asked 'what would you take if we only had one suitcase into which all we could take with us was placed?' an interesting topic of conversation. (Incidentally, throughout our time in Africa we always had an emergency bag in case we needed to evacuate quickly, so it was not quite as unusual exercise as it might have been for them.) but this is also an opportunity to give of our time and effort to support the people so deeply affected by this, so it was a real privilege to work with other Christians to bring teams together to go and support the humanitarian effort taking place on the border. This culminated in a 4:00am start this morning to take one of the volunteers to join the group heading off this morning for a 5 day stint helping out.
Matthew 5:16 (NIV)
In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
I don't imagine that the situation is going to be short lived so if anyone else is interested in getting involved then please get touch. However, if you can't go then please do pray ... Check out the latest version of Operation World if you want some information on the nations and how best to pray for what is going on.
It is, of course, one thing to watch what is going on a and respond as time and circumstances permit, but it is quite another to pray for discernment to seek the Lord to find out what is happening and how best we can align ourselves with what He is doing .... I am reminded of the scripture in Acts 17:24-27 (NIV) "The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. [25] And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. [26] From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. [27] God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us."
Other highlights of the week included a meeting on Friday to plot and plan a way forward for the annual Go mission festival (check out .... The challenge is that the Bank holidays may be changing, but until we have a final decision by the government, we will press on. Looking at 2012, and how we tie in what we are doing to the obvious link with London 2012 the Olympics, and the masses of people from all over the world that will be on our doorstep, is very exciting.
The job of missions leadership can be frustrating, in that you spend a lot of time thinking, planning and supporting others as they do the work and see the lives changed! But had some really encouraging talks this week and reflections on how to develop the work in both Asia and Europe ... Not to mention the aforementioned situation in the Middle East! So, have to constantly learn to be content and trust that an obedient life will always 'be' fruitful, even if I don't see it with my own eyes! That was a little struggle to overcome this week, but it was helpful to remind myself of Exodus 17, where Moses prayed for Joshua, and as He prayed and stretched out his arms, it was Joshua who fought and saw the victory. Important to note that both elements worked together and that neither would have prevailed alone!
- Press on!
One knock-on effect of the crisis in Libya, is the almost 100,000 displaced people, forced out of their adopted countries due to the fighting. We spent time as a family praying for this situation and everyone around the table was asked 'what would you take if we only had one suitcase into which all we could take with us was placed?' an interesting topic of conversation. (Incidentally, throughout our time in Africa we always had an emergency bag in case we needed to evacuate quickly, so it was not quite as unusual exercise as it might have been for them.) but this is also an opportunity to give of our time and effort to support the people so deeply affected by this, so it was a real privilege to work with other Christians to bring teams together to go and support the humanitarian effort taking place on the border. This culminated in a 4:00am start this morning to take one of the volunteers to join the group heading off this morning for a 5 day stint helping out.
Matthew 5:16 (NIV)
In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
I don't imagine that the situation is going to be short lived so if anyone else is interested in getting involved then please get touch. However, if you can't go then please do pray ... Check out the latest version of Operation World if you want some information on the nations and how best to pray for what is going on.
It is, of course, one thing to watch what is going on a and respond as time and circumstances permit, but it is quite another to pray for discernment to seek the Lord to find out what is happening and how best we can align ourselves with what He is doing .... I am reminded of the scripture in Acts 17:24-27 (NIV) "The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. [25] And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. [26] From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. [27] God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us."
Other highlights of the week included a meeting on Friday to plot and plan a way forward for the annual Go mission festival (check out .... The challenge is that the Bank holidays may be changing, but until we have a final decision by the government, we will press on. Looking at 2012, and how we tie in what we are doing to the obvious link with London 2012 the Olympics, and the masses of people from all over the world that will be on our doorstep, is very exciting.
The job of missions leadership can be frustrating, in that you spend a lot of time thinking, planning and supporting others as they do the work and see the lives changed! But had some really encouraging talks this week and reflections on how to develop the work in both Asia and Europe ... Not to mention the aforementioned situation in the Middle East! So, have to constantly learn to be content and trust that an obedient life will always 'be' fruitful, even if I don't see it with my own eyes! That was a little struggle to overcome this week, but it was helpful to remind myself of Exodus 17, where Moses prayed for Joshua, and as He prayed and stretched out his arms, it was Joshua who fought and saw the victory. Important to note that both elements worked together and that neither would have prevailed alone!
- Press on!
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