So what is the final area in which we should seize the day? Carpe diem: knowing Jesus ... Taking every opportunity given to you to get to know Jesus more fully! Early in our time in Africa an older missionary took me to one side and shared something in a way that only older missionaries can: God had brought me there not because of the things I was going to do. He’d brought me because of the things He wanted to do in me, and through me. There then followed two of the most formative years that we have ever known. The thing I took most of all from this time was the need to serve God above all else, to commit our lives to doing what He wants to do, and to reap the reward that comes from serving Him and others. Ultimately, it was a period when something broke inside me and I understood for the first time that I was no longer my own and that he was Lord of my life - in a real sense, not a conceptual one. Seize the day Seizing the day is about taking every opportunity that God presents to us....
A collection of thoughts as I wander through life as a Christian, Husband, Father of four and Missions Director. Try to limit posts to 500 words to make them as accessible as possible.