Having shared a little of my experience of my arrival in Africa as a Short term worker it might be good to explore why short term work is important ...
Carpe diem: extending the Kingdom
I firmly believe that the Church, who believe and proclaim a message that God lives and speaks, should be the path of least resistance through whom God might speak to communities His words of comfort, hope, truth and love.... Carpe diem!
Short-term mission has an increasing and important impact on the growth of the Church across the world, and is one way in which we can "go into all the world" with our message. It is also a way in which the gifts and skills of a larger number of people can be enhance the long-term work and vision of others. In Missions as in the business world, organizations are having to re-examine their strategies to integrate a generation with a short-term or 'seasonal' pattern to life. This is is not something for Mission agencies to "tolerate", but rather to embrace enthusiastically: finding God’s ways to build short-term missions into strategic kingdom initiatives.
This is easier said than done in a context such as WEC International. Where we are seeking to reach out to unreached people groups and communities, to demonstrate the realities of a life lived in Christ and share stories of Jesus. To do this we need to build relationships, interact with people, learn their culture, their language, their traditions - all this takes a long time. So there is still a real need for workers who will go and live overseas with a longterm perspective - perhaps short-term work is an avenue to explore this possibility. Whatever the motivation behind the decision to serve - it can be incredibly effective ... In essence it is another willing heart being moved and directed by a Loving Father!
Perhaps you have never considered seeking the Lord to ask what He would have you do with your life ... Perhaps you are fearful that He will ask you to do something, or go somewhere, that you really don't want to ... Perhaps you think it will be too costly a price to pay ... all I can do is encourage you to do is trust the wisdom and nature of One who leads and follow in obedience.
Many opportunities to work short or long term, both overseas and in the UK, can be found at http://www.christianvocations.org/online/cv.nsf/home?openform
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Follow me on twitter @johnbagg
Carpe diem: extending the Kingdom
I firmly believe that the Church, who believe and proclaim a message that God lives and speaks, should be the path of least resistance through whom God might speak to communities His words of comfort, hope, truth and love.... Carpe diem!
Short-term mission has an increasing and important impact on the growth of the Church across the world, and is one way in which we can "go into all the world" with our message. It is also a way in which the gifts and skills of a larger number of people can be enhance the long-term work and vision of others. In Missions as in the business world, organizations are having to re-examine their strategies to integrate a generation with a short-term or 'seasonal' pattern to life. This is is not something for Mission agencies to "tolerate", but rather to embrace enthusiastically: finding God’s ways to build short-term missions into strategic kingdom initiatives.
This is easier said than done in a context such as WEC International. Where we are seeking to reach out to unreached people groups and communities, to demonstrate the realities of a life lived in Christ and share stories of Jesus. To do this we need to build relationships, interact with people, learn their culture, their language, their traditions - all this takes a long time. So there is still a real need for workers who will go and live overseas with a longterm perspective - perhaps short-term work is an avenue to explore this possibility. Whatever the motivation behind the decision to serve - it can be incredibly effective ... In essence it is another willing heart being moved and directed by a Loving Father!
Perhaps you have never considered seeking the Lord to ask what He would have you do with your life ... Perhaps you are fearful that He will ask you to do something, or go somewhere, that you really don't want to ... Perhaps you think it will be too costly a price to pay ... all I can do is encourage you to do is trust the wisdom and nature of One who leads and follow in obedience.
Many opportunities to work short or long term, both overseas and in the UK, can be found at http://www.christianvocations.org/online/cv.nsf/home?openform
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Follow me on twitter @johnbagg
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