What future for mission - Wes White As I listened to this and thought through the implications there was one over-riding factor that come to my mind ... do we genuinely have confidence in the gospel? Is it indeed the power of God unto salvation for them that believe ... or is it a life-style choice for some which is of equal value as the choices others may make to believe in something else or nothing at all! How much more of a struggle is it for those brought up in a post-modern context, where truth is reckoned as relative not absolute, to move forward to a place of conviction? Of course it is a work of the Word and the Spirit, so we can trust in the One who is able to do all things to bring this conviction ... But this conviction is vital if we are to take the gospel to the communities locally, nationally and internationally. The gospel is for all regardless of age, culture, gender - it is the unique revelation of a holy, gracious and loving God who has made the way to have communion...