Tomorrow morning I will be serving with a number of other people as we embark on an Alpha course. Hopefully Alpha should need no introduction, and this is not the point of this blog, it does however provide the springboard to my thought - What needs to happen post-Alpha, or indeed however we come to faith, in order to see people getting into the habit of growing as disciples?
This is not simply a 'good idea' it is crucial if we are to fulfil the mandate given to the Church ... not only because disciples should be the outcome of our ministries, but also because disciples are needed to do the ministry in the first place.
I quote Mike Breen from his sobering article on why he feels the missional movement might fail "Sending people out to do mission is to send them out to a war zone. Discipleship is not only the boot camp to train them for the front lines, but the hospital when they get wounded and the off-duty time they need to rest and recuperate."
My personal experience would lead me to conclude that the only way to grow as a disciple is to serve within the body of Christ, be attentive to the leading of the Lord and be obediant to His leading wherever that might take you. In terms of discipleship I see growth as the bi-product of any active faith-life rather than the main aim. What I see around is a proliferation of materials and courses which can be read, completed etc. This is great if they are a foundation to a changed life, but unless something changes in the way we live out our lives, the choices we make, our priority system, the things we do etc. then I wonder if we have really grown as disciples.
For me this has been one area where I have been particularly blessed to have been involved with a Mission fellowship since my earliest years as a believer. Through this exposure I have been;
- Surrounded by disciples - with years of service and experience in walking with the Lord.
- Active within the fellowship from day one - we just don't have adequate staff for all that we desire to do and so this means everyone needs to engage in the ministry, whilst also taking responsibility for the spiritual well-being of the rest of the team/fellowship.
- Encouraged to look proactively into areas of weakness - which become all too apparent when seeking to serve.
- Encouraged to develop in areas of gifting - which have been observed by others through the crucible of service.
- Openly shared good practice, resources that have blessed etc.
This is my experience, I wonder about yours?
- What has been most helpful to you in your growth as a disciple?
- What would you look for as signs of growth and maturing as a believer?
- In what ways do you think current practices hinder discipleship?
Keep pressing on!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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