Following on from my recent blog on Captivity ... here is my second thought stemming from reading Philemon. It concerns v6 "I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ." I saw this posted on a friends Facebook page recently, whic h sums up in a very clear way what I think the Apostle Paul was trying to tell Philemon. It is never the Lord's intention that we live our lives as consumers. Partly, because then the tendency is that everything becom es inward looking rather than outw ard and p artly, because those with the desire to serve end up serving almost exclusively within the Church and to a Churc h - so we lose out on tw o levels. It is a common statistic that about 20% of the Church for 80% of the work. Or, as one Pastor once tol d me, "I have a Church of 350 going on 40 people! " People with a consumer mentality or within a consumer led system...
A collection of thoughts as I wander through life as a Christian, Husband, Father of four and Missions Director. Try to limit posts to 500 words to make them as accessible as possible.