How would you respond to this question?
My first reactive answer to this was 'sometimes!' then as I reflected a little deeper I've come to the conclusion that this is not the answer and that it can never be the answer. The answer must either be 'always' or 'never'!
Here is my thought processes that led me to that conclusion ...
Firstly, the work Christ on the cross. If you do not please God you must be displeasing Him - in which case you have fallen short of his expectations, which is our imperfection or sin. On the cross Jesus perfectly, and completely, paid the price for our sin. This is either a perfect and complete work or it isn't and, somehow, God kept back a little punishment for us ... which, of course, he hasn't which means God looks at us through the filter of the work of Jesus - and each of us is either 'in Christ' or 'not'.
Secondly, could this still leave a neutral middle option? God can be 'pleased' or 'not pleased' which might be different from being 'displeased'. Frankly the idea of a God who is neutral in his emotions is terrifying - the idea that God is indifferent towards me frightens me beyond belief and I don't think He represents Himself in this way through the pages of scripture.
Thirdly, from my human perspective I still live 'in the body' and I'm therefore still grappling with impurity and in constant need of refining. That said nothing I do ever stems from perfectly pure motives, neither is it worked out perfectly. As God is perfect then nothing I do would please Him so, again, I make appeal to the work of Jesus on my behalf.
Finally, I reflected on my experience of walking with the Lord and during this time I have experienced His love, compassion, pleasure, sorrow, discipline and holiness but I cannot recall ever experiencing His wrath or displeasure. In my stumbling my overwhelming sense from God is one of sadness and sorrow that I am not experiencing the fullness of life that is mine in Christ. This is followed by His drawing to the place of repentance, forgiveness, restoration and once again knowing the delight of His favour and His countenance as he looks upon me.
So, is God pleased with me? On reflection the answer to that is 'Yes, always!' But I can only dare make this statement by acknowledging the amazing grace expressed to us in the person and work of Jesus - awesome!
This is not an exhaustive list perhaps your reflections can bring further insight ... I look forward to hearing from you!
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