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Showing posts from 2014

Give thanks!

In all circumstances... “... if by our zeal we can stir up many and the world be more speedily evangelized - then we thank God. If no-one joins us, but by our efforts men and women join other societies and accomplish the evangelization of the world - then we thank God. If we never have another penny for our work, but our message is used to provide the needs of others, so that the world is evangelized - then we thank God.” (Alfred Buxton) Source: HAM 1913-1920 - the First Seven Years Give thanks – for God’s faithfulness Does it seem strange to begin an article on giving thanks for God's faithfulness with this quote from one of our early WEC leaders? Perhaps, yet I feel constrained not to focus on money but on the fruit that comes from sowing generously into the kingdom. I want to focus on what the Lord is accomplishing through the efforts of the worldwide fellowship of WEC … those who go, those who pray, those who support. The c...

Relationship first...

Jesus call to His first disciples was "follow me" -  it would have been a natural response to ask "where?" but I don't see that in the scripture.  Is this because the question was eclipsed in the minds of the disciples by the idea of "who"? Of primary importance was that they had met Christ - the Messiah.  With regards to discipleship shouldn't the emphasis always be on the "me" not the "follow"? If it becomes the latter then we may lose the true and best motivation for our service.  The desire to follow is the effect of our relationship with Jesus not the cause of it. " Christ loves me - I love Him - I will serve"   rather than "I want Christ to love me - I will serve Him - then He will love me." The disciples knew Jesus and were willing to follow, not knowing what that would mean ... are we? Press on!

Leadership ... not management!

Leadership and Management The difference between a leader and a manager is an important one to ponder on and much has been written about it in a wide variety of books. I read this the other day which is a very real, and sobering, challenge to anyone who has a position of leadership - particularly for those who take on the responsibility, before God, for any group of people within the body of Christ. "A leader leads if the followers can see that he or she is out in front of them in the revelations and activities of the Spirit. That is why we should downgrade titles and human pedestals for our leaders, so that, if they haven't got what it takes, they will in due course become dagons and find their own level." Of course, if we live amongst the fellowship of people we eventually come to lead it makes it much easier to demonstrate that in advance, by our faithfulness in serving and following. When we are appointed from the outside it is much harder ...

Mission-Net, Go-Fest and you!

                                            For all those reading this from the comfort of your island retreat here in the UK I wonder if you were aware of what God was doing in Europe over the Christmas and new year period - as he moved amongst thousands of young people, challenging them to more active engagement in His global purposes? Did you feel the afterglow coming across the channel towards us? The movement's called Mission-Net. Firstly, on behalf of the worldwide body of Christ (as if I speak on behalf of them ;-)) however, a huge thank you for all the staff and team that worked so hard to put together the recent Mission Net European conference and, of course, Evi Rodemann for steering it all. If anyone is interested in reading about what went on, how people wer...

Let light shine out of darkness ...

  "The Church, and the world, desperately need men and women who practice the presence of God" ... at least that was my conclusion recently after having heard someone speaking who clearly spent time in the presence of the Lord. There were no whistles, bells, complex arguments, sophisticated powerpoints or hyped up human oratory, rather a simple, humble message by a godly man. Very powerful! In 2 Corinthians 4:6 the apostle Paul writes "For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness', made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God's glory displayed in the face of Christ." I was once darkness and even now, whilst in the process of increasingly understanding how complete I am in Christ , there are still areas of darkness. Yet His light continues to shine, just as He has decreed! What grace ... He get's the glory for it is HIs light that shines ... Christ in me through the indwelling presence of...

By their fruits...

Over the summer I read a book, a bit of a summer holiday filler if I am honest, but not too bad and as it was free on Kindle I can't complain!  Anyway, the book was called  The Witness   by Dee Henderson - I can't remember the plotline, but I'm not writing a review so that's okay. Contained in the book is this conversation between two characters: "The Bible talks a lot about taking care of the poor and the widows, and God doesn’t seem to be that interested in changing the fact the poor just get poorer and the powerful more abusive in societies. God should be the cop walking the block, not a supreme court justice where it takes a decade for a legitimate grievance to get heard.”  “Maybe Christians are supposed to be doing the work to lift up the poor and oppressed.”  “Then God inspires very little loyalty to His cause. When was the last time you gave a gift to someone who was poor?”  The question caught her off guard. It can be a very uncomfortable feeling wh...

The boot is on the other foot!

For the last fifteen years I have spent a large amount of my time seeking to encourage people into overseas missional activity. I have had varying degrees of success in this venture! Over the past twenty years I have been bringing up my children, final tally four. I seem to have had varying degrees of success in this venture also! (but that is another story!) What do I do when those two collide? My eldest is now committing to work for four months at a hospital placement in west Africa ... it is very interesting to reflect on the emotions and thoughts that this brings forth as we embark on another phase of parenting. Initial thoughts: 1/ This represents an opportunity for me to make a personal visit back to west africa. This time I have another reason to go! Okay, so this is a selfish thought - but it's there nonetheless! 2/ Viewing the application process from another perspective is an interesting one - suddenly the questions that are asked take on a different meaning and im...

Commitment ... the final hurdle?

"I'd rather go and not come back than not go at all!" I read these words this morning and it inspired thoughts of amazing commitment and willingness to do whatever it takes to get a dream fulfilled. It spoke of an understanding that to progress and move forward there will, in all likelihood, be a price to pay. Progress does not often come cheaply, it takes a dogged determination to be willing to go the extra mile, pay the price, persevere in the face of relentless challenge and all in order to make the breakthrough, take the next tiny step in the right direction or see the completion of a goal or task.  It doesn't speak of procrastination, putting things off until tomorrow, doing it when you can be bothered or when it all falls into place and fits in with your plans. It would be so refeshing to see the whole body of Christ rise up in faith and make that declaration - to determine to complete that which has been entrusted to us - the task of global evangelisation. To s...