In all circumstances...
“... if by our zeal we can stir up many and the world be more speedily evangelized - then we thank God. If no-one joins us, but by our efforts men and women join other societies and accomplish the evangelization of the world - then we thank God. If we never have another penny for our work, but our message is used to provide the needs of others, so that the world is evangelized - then we thank God.” (Alfred Buxton)
Source: HAM 1913-1920 - the First Seven Years
Give thanks – for God’s faithfulness
Does it seem strange to begin an article on giving thanks for God's faithfulness with this quote from one of our early WEC leaders? Perhaps, yet I feel constrained not to focus on money but on the fruit that comes from sowing generously into the kingdom. I want to focus on what the Lord is accomplishing through the efforts of the worldwide fellowship of WEC … those who go, those who pray, those who support. The church is growing and it is a privilege to be a part of that, whatever our contribution.
Neither is this a message about WEC. It is, rather, a challenge to all to sow all they have – time, talents, resources — into the growth of the kingdom and the evangelisation of the whole world as quickly as possible, however and wherever he opens doors to do so.
At the same time it is right to pause, as we report annually on the finances received, to give glory to the One who provides. Month by month the WEC UK Finance Committee meet to see how the Lord has provided and make allocations to individuals, ministries and projects.
He often provides beyond our immediate needs – what a blessing!
Giving patterns have changed with individuals more likely to support people rather than organisations. The financial climate leaves many facing major challenges. However, the principle of sowing generously into the work of kingdom building transcends such transient patterns. As we encourage this as a lifestyle, so too we continue to trust the Lord to provide out of his bounty, through whatever means and channels he opens up.
Thank you and thank God!
Press on!
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