Last week, like many others, I ventured to the Cinema to watch "Exodus - Gods and Kings"
Of course, as with any other film based on a biblical narrative, there is always the hope that it will amount to more than a film ... but as is normally the case, it doesn't. So, to summarise, as far as biblical accuracy goes it is poor, as an adventure film goes it is all right. However, that is okay as I don't often go to the cinema for the furtherance of my theological convictions or doctrinal understandings - that is best left to the place of prayer and obedience.
Having said that, I hope that I am always open to be challenged to think about things from a fresh perspective and I am not averse to the Spirit using an experience, image, news item, music track etc, to highlight something that He wants to be a blessing, encouragement or challenge to me.
So it was the case in this film ...
Towards the end of the film there is quite a most moving scene as the people of Israel cross the Red Sea, but what struck me most was a scene immediately prior to this. Picture the scene (or remember it if you've seen the film) Moses has led the people out of Egypt and has arrived at the Red Sea. Pharoah has changed his mind about letting the people go and has therefore mustered all the chariots and horseman to pursue the people of Israel. So, they find themselves on the beach of the Red Sea. At this point, Moses realises that he is trapped between a rock and a hard place or, a seemingly impassible sea and the Egyptian army. Then, realising that he is utterly powerless to do anything he lies down.
Now here is the thing ...
This is the horrible situation that any leader can find themselves in, halfway through the journey. It is one thing to lead people 'out', it is quite another to persevere and lead people 'in'. It is easy to describe the current landscape as not appealing and then to paint a picture of how the future could be, sow discontent and promise better! It is entirely another to stay the course and persevere through to the point that the future has become the current reality. The journey through no man's land is a place of fears and anticipated failures.
I guess many leaders have been through the same experience as Moses and concluded that the best thing to do is fall asleep on the beach having thrown the sword into the water. (Further imagery for giving up the fight perhaps?) However, like the film, or better still as described in the scriptures, deliverance comes. Just as God leads us out, so too will He lead us in.
So, to all those leaders out there who have had the courage to move those God has given you to care for out of one thing, under the conviction and leading of God, hear today that He will, in His good time, lead you into what He has promised.
So hold on, trust, rest in Him and press forward perhaps 2015 is the year for leading in ... If not keep going anyway, He is not in a rush.
As CS Lewis wrote "Courage is not simply one of the virtues but the form of every virtue at the testing point."
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