In recent years I have been in the habit of following a Bible reading programme that takes through the whole bible in a year. This has been a very profitable discipline which, if nothing else strikes you in this blog, I commend to the reader!
This year I have been following a schedule that goes through the bible in chronological order and recently I arrived in the new testament after about nine months of following the rise and subsequent decline of the people of Israel. It is within that context that I am beginning to read through the new testament and, as a result, I have been struck afresh at the new life of Christ that comes bursting forth in the pages of the gospels in the same way as Jesus Himself came bursting forth into His creation about 2000 years ago! The stirrings of prophetic utterance after almost 400 years of silence, the word and the Spirit issuing forth the good news of the gospel and the coming of the Kingdom .... awesome!
To marvel from this fresh perspective at the wonder of the message of salvation through faith is such a blessing. In particular, to read again just how good the good news is!
One example, take John chapters 3 and 4.
The starting point of being born again (3:3) of the Spirit of God (3:5), in order to join in the work of mission (3 :14) through worship and word so that others too might enjoy the blessings we have received.
To experience the lavish love of God, which motivates the asks of the Son on our behalf (3:16) to deliver from darkness to light and from death to life, into relationship with our Father in heaven.
To be blessed with the anointing of the Spirit which is given to us without limit (3:34) such that we can enjoy eternal life.
Now as we move into chapter 4 we can trace how the teaching that Jesus gives in chapter 3 are then worked out in the experience of the samaritan woman in chapter 4.
Jesus cuts through the mess of her life to offer her a spring of living water that wells up to eternal life (4:14), remembering back in chapter 3 that when the Spirit is given it is given without limit.
So, why do we say we thirst? Here are some thoughts:
1/ It might be that we have not received the gift of eternal life, and the spirit without limit in the first place. This is the first step ... receive by faith and give your life to Christ.
2/ It might be that we have not fully understood all that Jesus has promised that new life is ... that we content ourselves to nibble at crumbs when there is a feast to be enjoyed.
3/ It might be that our expectations are shaped more by our experience, or by anecdotes or poor theology, than by the word of God and the teachings of Jesus ... in which case we need to adjust ourselves to the word rather than the word to ourselves.
4/ It might be that there is some disorder in our lives that needs to be put right - this might be sin, fear, wrong priorities ... by putting things in godly order, according to His teaching, then we sense the 'flow' of the eternal life again.
As I read these verses through again recently it was great to have the mind renewed and refreshed with the truth. Trust you might experience that for yourselves too!
Press on!
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