Have just finished reading an interesting book called 'Just Courage' ... by Gary A Haugen, President and CEO of International Justice Mission (IJM). The back cover has a cry that must be that of many people ... "There must be more to the Christian life than this..." and of course there is.
I do have some fundamental questions that were left unanswered in the book ... mainly along the lines of whether justice is an end in itself. It must be truly wonderful to be involved in a group that sees the emancipation of people from horrendous abuse situations and slavery - but if it is only for this life is that what Jesus is about when it comes to transformation? I would of appreciated reading more of how these expressions of Christian work impact the world in real and practical ways and how they work together with others to see people entering into the true freedom that is only found in Christ ... I am sure there are some great stories out there.
What was great were the testimonies of people who had taken there faith in Christ in both hands and stepped out ... amazing what the Lord can do through faithful, obedient, bold people- and this should be an inspiration to all.
He quoted one man, Sean, who says that he recognised four things held him back from serving the Lord wholeheartedly ...
1/ Comfort - contented well-being
2/ Security - freedom from danger
3/ Control - having power over our circumstances
4/ Success - the appearance of wealth and success.
However, once he conquered those fears and stepped out, he found he exchanged them for
1/ Adventure
2/ Faith
3/ Miracles
4/ Deep knowledge of Jesus
Many who have stepped out would probably say the same thing ... and I guess few would desire to go back once they have tasted the fruit of obedience!
So to all you out there wanting this type of life, step out and do what the Lord is calling you His child to do - whatever that might be. It's worth it!
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